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Author: cookg15

Inside a North American Honda Plant

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Two weeks ago, our class had the opportunity to meet with Scott Whitlock, a retired lawyer-turned plant manager of the first American Honda assembly plant in Marysville, Ohio. During his time as a plant manager, Mr. Whitlock faced a unique challenge that many of his counterparts at other facilities and other auto manufacturers did not: his plant was the largest (and one of the only) in the U.S. whose workers were not unionized. While this did afford him some advantages in managing his workers, it also presented many difficulties, as he was managing a largely unprecedented situation.

Grand Theft Auto: Cyberspace

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Almost everyone who uses a computer knows the risks associated with being hacked and having valuable personal information stolen. The media continues to demonstrate with each new release of ill-advised celebrity photos that were obtained by having their cell phones hacked that something we carry in our pockets everyday is vulnerable to invisible thieves. Is it time to start worrying about our cars being hacked as well?

As communication between cars continues to increase, the connectivity between their electronic systems does as well. Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller worries that just as connectivity between phone and computer systems makes them susceptible to hacking, cars are now facing a similar threat. Cars are becoming more and more electronic, and therefore have more potential technological weaknesses. Today’s typical luxury car has more than 100 million lines of computer code, while software and electronics account for 40 percent of the car’s cost and half of warranty claims1. The primary concern is that in the future cars will be able to be controlled remotely.

Jaguar wants to “move brand image forward”

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Jaguar North America CEO Andy Gross wants Jaguar to have the same level of prestige as brands like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Lexus. Jaguar hopes to use its F-Type, XJR 550-hp sedan, and XKR GT to push the brand image forward. They have forecast 15.3 million US vehicle sales, and hope to see both Jaguar and Land Rover sales increase by double digits this year.

Cars and Culture: The Auto Industry’s Impact on US Economy and Businesses

Posted in Posts, and Syllabus Schedule

It’s hard to understate the growth that the automotive industry experienced throughout the twentieth-century. The industry was one of the most important to the American economy as a whole, as the health of the auto industry was a good indicator of the health of the entire US economy. However, what can sometimes be over looked is the impact that the auto industry had on growth in other industries and new businesses that were founded and then flourished as a result of the presence of the automobile.